Wednesday, February 8, 2012

a dying bear

the summer held him
warmly as a mother might
kept his muscles taught teeth
clean eyes focused and brilliant

then rain came
falling slowly with fir needles
from the higher boughs

the afternoons became hazes
stones in the roadside grass
chipped his teeth

in the night he either walked
or stared. after the eighth
day of rain he walked the high river
but got tired before daylight
rested in a cedar hollowed by fire
while outside the wet darkness shivered

then the snow came but no sleep
on the first night he stood in a clearing
near a dead hunter's cabin
sharp ice cracked around his lips
one eyelid frozen closed
ribs like dead sticks under his fur

he stared at the darkness on the edge
of the clearing and it closed in

he saw the ocean once when he was younger
it was the only other time
he'd ever dreamt there was a god


Anna-Maria said...

ah, this is an amazing piece of writing!

Unknown said...

Agreed. Beautiful.

