Tuesday, February 26, 2013


i am sorry to back up my race
theft is the only institution
ever to absorb me
now my heart is ecstatic 
with forgetfulness

you lick the wounds
but close the fists
the blood still keeps me up
all night

don't fodder the crows any longer
seeds fall from their feathers
forests thrive out of each corner
the walls darken

my friends are smiling at the ends
of driveways
elegant soldiers
on fire all the time
they ask in text messages
is yr body a lie
and i just slip from this posture
down from this laugh to a quieter one

i strip the alders of their bark
while the sap is high
i insulate my walls from the inside
come over and we'll trust ourselves
as loud as we want

you waited five years 
with a girly cigarette in your teeth
but your friends have all forgotten
what they wanted to say
your bedside is hardbacks and pipe ash
rockstar bios and a bible cracked maybe twice

i'm not sorry anymore
there's nothing here to leave

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